بهبود فرآیندهای انسان محور __ مواجه با چالش و برداشت سود از ISO 13407
The improvement of human-centred processes—facing the challenge and reaping the benefit of ISO 13407
This paper discusses the development of standards for user-centred design and the implications of their application. It is included in this special issue of IJHCS to show how far the infrastructure for a user-centred approach to system development hasprogressed and to describe the impact on, and opportunities for, the Human Factors community. The paper discusses the outcomes and challenges of the process standard for user-centred design, ISO 13407:1999 Human – centred design processes for interactive systems and the associated ISO TR 18529:2000 Human – centred lifecycle process descriptions Section 2 relates usability to project risk and introduces the purpose and vocabulary of process improvement. Section 3 introduces the two ISO documents that de ” ne the human-centred design and brie # y presents the history of their development and their in # uence on other ISO process standards. Section 4 examines the di ! erence between current practice in usability engineering and the human-centred design process de ” ned in ISO 13407. Section 5 relates a process-level de ” nition of human-centred design to user- centred design activities on a particular project. The bene ” ts of, and rationale for, the emergence of process-level standard models of good practice in business and system development are discussed. Section 6 presents the challenges to the system development and Human Factors communities that result from ISO 13407. Section 7 presents the opportunities arising from ISO 13407. Finally, the implications for systems development, Human Factors and Human Computer Interaction (HCI), and applied research are reviewed. In this paper, the term user-centred design is used to refer, in a general sense, to a design process that takes account of the users of a system. The term human-centred design is used to refer to the particular
design process de ” ned in ISO 13407 and ISO TR 18529
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